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Judicial Officers Tipped On Handling Of SGBV Cases

At least 35 Judicial Officers at the rank of Chief Magistrates and Magistrates Grade One working in Eastern Uganda underwent a two-day capacity building training on management of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) cases.

The training which was organized by the Judicial Training Institute took place at Wash and Wills Hotel in Mbale.

The Registrar Research and Training, HW Mary Kaitesi, noted that the training was intended to enhance the capacity of the Judicial Officers in handling SGBV cases in order to enable them deliver quality justice, promote access to justice and uphold the rule of Law.

Similarly, the Executive Director of JTI, Hon. Lady Justice Damalie N. Lwanga, said the training was important because it was addressing a subject of great concern in Uganda given its prevalence, effects on victims, majority of whom are women and children. She noted that Covid-19had escalated the SGBV problem in Uganda.
"In the 2011 Kampala Declaration, His Excellency the President of Uganda signed a commitment to establish courts for SGBV to ensure fast trials and also specialized actors in SGBV. We are looking forward to the fulfilment of his commitment," she remarked.

Hon. Justice Lwanga urged the participants to be mindful of the need for corroborating of evidence of children of tender years for purposes of strengthening the prosecution case in criminal trials of SGBV.
"Where corroboration exists, it assists the court to come to the right decision."

While making her presentation on handling victims and witnesses, Hon. Justice Lwanga encouraged the Judicial Officers to be sensitive when handling SGBV cases because of the trauma the victims go through.

Other topics covered in the training included;
Understanding Gender and its key concepts, Gender and power, Human Rights and Legal Frameworks on SGBV, Different forms of SGBV, and causes and effects of SGBV among others.

The lead facilitators were Judges; Hon. Justice David N Batema, Hon. Lady Justice Susan Okalany and Hon. Justice Michael Elubu. Others included Ms. Cissy Namuzimbi,  Coordinator International Justice Mission, and Ms. Samalie Wakooli, an Assistant Director of Public Prosecution.

The training was moderated by HW Gabriel Moses Angualia, the Deputy Registrar Training.

Posted 15th, November 2021
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